Throughout history, Islam as a state has had two political rises and falls. After the second fall in 1918 when the Turkish Empire was defeated, a Caliphate movement began by two Islamic scholars: Hassan al-Banna from Egypt and Molana Maududi from India. Within 50 years, each movement’s political party failed and their disappointed followers resorted to the Muslim Militant Movement (MMM) .

In 1979, Russia invaded Afghanistan. America and its allies used the MMM to break Russia into 13 countries. As a result, America became a singular super power; on the other hand, Pakistan was used and throw out because of its vision-less and corrupt leadership.

After 9/11, about 50% of the MMM were killed and 50% the MMM were used to destabilize Pakistan by India and other Muslim countries. Now it is a mess and threat to world peace and security. The Pakistani military has eliminated this threat but other countries are still struggling.

But we are still ignoring the basic issue that is “every Muslim child starts his or her learning from the Quran and the Quran talks about Jihad and Caliphate repeatedly.“ While we cannot stop their thought processes nor control their emotions, we can teach them a New Narrative for Jihad and Caliphate so that their understandings and emotions can be satisfied.

A New Narrative, or practical manifestation of Jihad and Caliphate: Jihad is a struggle through a road map given in visionforPakistan.com. To achieve the goal of qualifying Pakistan as member of the UN Security Council with veto power, this status for a Muslim country will be equivalent a Caliphate in the present time.

Muslim youth – present and future-  will only be satisfied if this goal is achieved by Pakistan. They will feel respected and dignified, and their disputes and conflict with other countries will be resolved respectfully. It will bring peace and security to the world.


Out of the 7 billion world population, 1.5 Billion are Muslim and still no Muslim nation has qualified for permanent membership in the U.N. Security Council with veto power. With no voice in the U.N. Security Council, the problems and disputes of these Muslim nations remain unsolved, leading to wars, extremism, terrorism, etc.

Out of 60 Muslim nations, Pakistan is the only one capable of qualifying for this permanent membership with veto power. Should Pakistan follow the road map described in this Vision for Pakistan, they will be able to achieve membership within the next eleven years. Through Pakistan’s membership, peace can be achieved.

In order to achieve a position in the Security Council, Pakistan must move towards economic growth within eleven years. As shown in the previous diagram, the departments of energy, water, infrastructure, industry, agriculture, housing, education, and health should undergo serious planning for Pakistan’s growth. For each department, a team of experts will construct a plan for vast economic growth for the next 100 years.


There are six qualities necessary for a nation to have permanent membership in the UN Security Council with veto power.







For this reason, nations such as India, Brazil, Indonesia, Turkey, Iran and Germany are not qualified for Security Council membership.

Pakistan has achieved three of the qualities listed above (military, nuclear, missile). If Pakistan reforms its Constitution, then it will be a political power. As a result, in ten years Pakistan will also be an economic and social power. Hence, Pakistan can qualify for permanent UN Security Council membership with veto power.

For this purpose, there is no need for lobbying or diplomacy.



Note: Answers to frequently asked questions.

  1. Currently, there are about 190 nation states in the world. Countries that date back thousands of years like Japan, China, Korea, India and Iran have a strong foundation of territorial nationalism. Most of the 50 European countries were formed on the basis of linguistic nationalism. Few states such as the United States and the first Islamic State of Madina were formed on the basis of constitutional nationalism. Pakistan, being only 65 years old, is too young to have any territorial nationalism and since the country consists of five major languages, linguistic nationalism is impossible. The only other logical choice for Pakistan’s existence as a state is constitutional nationalism.
  2. Unfortunately, the formation of Pakistan on August 14, 1947 came without a constitution.  As a result, on December 16, 1971, Pakistan was divided into two states, Pakistan and Bangladesh. (*Please note that the Constitutions of 1956 and 1962 were not approved through referendum by the people of Pakistan and therefore they have no legitimacy).
  3. The 1973 Constitution is superceded by Islam because of it’s two clauses, “Qarardade-e-Maqasid”  and  “no legislation will be done repugnant to Quran and Sunnah”.  Accordingly, the “Two Nation Theory “ is adopted by the 1973 constitution, making constitutional nationalism the logical foundation of Pakistan.
  4. The 1973 Constitution (social contract) does not provide political justice to the five regions of Pakistan (Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Kashmir). This lack of political justice has made the constitution structurally defective and unable to hold itself during the military coups of 1977, 1999 and 2007.
  5. The political instability of Pakistan is a result of the absence of a constitution (1947-1973) and now the structurally defective constitution (1973-present). In order to move towards political justice and bring unity in Pakistan, the need for constitutional reforms must be accepted through referendum and the uneffective “blame game” between politicians and military generals must end.
  6. The American, French and Bolshevik Revolutions were all practical manifestations of the Islamic Revolution. They transformed the political, social and economic systems in those regions. Logically, humanity does not need anymore revolutions. To achieve change, nation-states can only reform their constitution.

Constitutional Amendment (addition after Qarardade-e-Maqasid)

  1. “Political Truth and Reconciliation Amendment”A.This truth is recognized that Pakistan was born on August 14, 1947 without a constitution. It is also recognized that the constitution of 1956, 1962 has not legitimacy because these constitutions were not approved by the direct vote of the people of Pakistan (referendum).
  2. The truth is recognized that that on December 16, 1971, the separation of Pakistan into two countries was because Pakistan was running without a constitution. So it is concluded that General Ayyub Khan, Z.A. Bhutto, Sheikh Mujeeb and General Yayya Khan are not responsible for the break of Pakistan. The fundamental reason is recognized as the absence of a constitution.
  3. This truth is recognized that the 1973 Constitution was not approved by a constitutional assembly and not approved by a referendum. The 1973 Constitution was drafted by keeping in mind that Pakistan is one nation. In fact, there are five nations in Pakistan (Sindhi, Punjabi, Baluchi, Pukhtun and Kashmiri). This truth is recognized that the 1973 Constitution was not a fair social contract between the five nations in Pakistan. This was the the fundamental reason that Pakistan suffered three military coups (1977, 1999 & 2007). It is concluded that ZA Bhutto, General Zia ul Haq, Nawaz Sharif, and General Musharraf are not responsible for the military coup. It is concluded that the 1973 Constitution needed major reforms/amendments by referendum.
  4. Benefits:
    1. 67 years of useless discussion of blaming each other will be over.
    2. Pakistan will  move towards healthy constructive  discussions which will  lead  Pakistan  in the right  direction  and ultimately towards political, economic and social stability.
    3. The future generation of Pakistan will know the mistakes committed by its elder generation. They will know the fact, will not waste their time, will not be confused and will be  able to use their time and energy positively.



Classification of Justice?


National and International


National and International


National and International

6 Types of Justice:-

  1. National Political Justice (NPJ)
  2. National Social Justice (NSJ)
  3. National Economic Justice (NEJ)
  4. Internation Political Justice (IPJ)
  5. International Social Justice (ISJ)
  6. International Economic Justice (IEJ)

Note: Constitutional reforms are National Political Justice for Pakistan. A country without NPJ cannot achieve the other five types of justice.


NPJ is the right of the people to fairly and independent government. Therefore, if the people of a country are electing their executive and legislative branches separately by a direct vote with over 50% majority, the country has 100% national political justice. Given this criteria, below is a ranking of countries:




  1. Developed nations are in fact “developed” because their constitutions are compatible with the common sense and collective wisdom of their citizens. In an undeveloped nation such as Pakistan this is not the case.
  2. The 1973 Constitution was not approved by a constitutional assembly and also not by referendum.
  3. The 1973 Constitution was drafted by keeping in mind that Pakistan is one nation. In fact, there are five nations in Pakistan (Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi, Pukhtun and Kashmiri). This truth is recognized that the 1973 Constitution was not a fair social contract between the five nations in Pakistan.
  4. The people of Pakistan do not have the right to directly elect their executive president, governor and district mayor.
  5. The people of Pakistan do not have the right to directly elect their senators.
  6. The senators, MNA and MPA are not elected by a 51% majority vote.
  7. The special seats of Parliament (about 20%) are completely unjust to the system.
  8. Independent members of Parliament have sold their loyalties against the will of their voters.​
  9. The senate does not possess any power in the 1973 constitution, making the union between provinces weaker.
United Kingdom 1
India, Turkey 2.5 - 3
Pakistan 4.5
Saudia Arabia | China 6.5